Missions Initiatives 

At Light Church, we desire to Be With Jesus, Become Like Jesus, and Do What Jesus Did. We carry a deep theological conviction to care for orphans, widows + refugees, locally and globally. 

We carry this mission out by supporting six local + global individual missionaries who call Light Church their home. In addition, we partner with local organizations such as Generate Hope and support organizations like San Diego Rescue Mission, Royal Family Kids, Capernaum Young Life Ministry, and Olive Crest.

Globally we partner with Ciudad De Dios and Good Samaritans Children's Orphanage in Malawi (also supported by Open Road Global) and support organizations like Fathers House Ukraine. We have had long standing, vibrant relationships with those in which we partner with. 

A large percentage of our giving goes directly to these initiatives. To give, click the Compassion tab on our giving page. 

Local Partners 

Generate Hope 

GenerateHope is a faith-based organization providing long-term, comprehensive programs to women who have been sexually trafficked, so that they are able to reintegrate into society and walk powerfully into their futures. 

GenerateHope provides safety, community, and individualized life skills support to bring about restoration and healing. They provide long-term housing, trauma-informed therapy, education, and vocational support.

For more information on getting involved visit http://generatehope.org

Olive Crest 

Olive Crest transforms the lives of children in crisis through the healing power of God, family and community. Olive Crest is an organization that is dedicated to preventing child abuse by strengthening, equipping and restoring children and families in crisis. 

Olive Crest supports children and families by providing counseling and mental health treatment, education and training, mentorship, reunification, adoption and stability support. 

To learn more, visit https://www.olivecrest.org

San Diego Rescue Mission

The San Diego Rescue Mission has a goal to lovingly address the needs of men, women and children experiencing homelessness by sharing the Good News of Salvation and providing a holistic approach to rehabilitation and recovery.

Serving San Diego County at multiple locations, we help restore the lives of people experiencing homelessness, abuse, poverty or addiction through faith-based emergency services, residential rehabilitation programs, children’s services, hunger relief efforts and community outreach.

To learn more visit https://www.sdrescue.org

Royal Family Kids 

Royal Family Kids desires for every child within the foster care system to experience unconditional love, hope and safety. They carry this out by mobilizing the local church to create life-changing moments for children who have experienced relational trauma. 

Royal Family is hosting a week-long camp and we need your help. There are three ways you can join in the work that God is doing through Royal Family Kids Camp— June 30– July 5th. 

We invite you to join us in prayer, consider giving + pray about serving. 

To donate, visit here.

To serve, visit this website.

Questions? Contact arielledortch@parkhillsd.church

Capernaum Young Life

Capernaum is Young Life’s ministry for teenagers and young adults with disabilities. They strive to create an environment that fosters meaningful relationships, fun, laughter, adventure and acceptance. We believe that those who need assistance can and should participate fully in activities that build self‐esteem, challenge their limits and help them discover their ability to do new things.  Most importantly, we believe that all adolescents deserve the opportunity to explore a personal relationship with God!

To volunteer, click here.

For more information, reach out to pradeepaganhewa@gmail.com

Global partners 

Ciudad De DiosOpen Road Global 

Tijuana, Mexico 

Ciudad De Dios is home to many displaced refugees from all over Mexico, South America + Haiti. Pastor Gustavo along with Open Road global, seek to create a safe haven for children and their families to live while actively seeking asylum in the states. 

In the meantime, Ciudad De Dios provides Education and ESL classes with the help of The Emily institute. Livelihood Development, Medical health and Education, Community development and Food Sustainability efforts.

Interested in joining our Medical Missions Team? Email nicolewriter@gmail.com 

Interested in joining our Food Sustainability Team? Email Eva.j.newby@gmial.com 

Questions or want to learn more? Email sarah@lightsandiego.com

Interested in learning more and being in the know, fill out this form!

Malawi Children's OrphanageOpen Road Global 

Blantyre, Malawi 

With the ever growing number of orphans in Malawi now surpassing 1.2 million, Light church has begun to come alongside local leaders to take a multi sided approach to combating the crisis of orphanhood. By focusing on both supporting orphan care and also by going into the impoverished communities where orphanhood is happening, it is our hope and prayer to both support orphans and those who care for them but also help to end orphanhood from even happening at all.

Alongside our partners we are providing needed care to a local orphanage outside of Blantyre, Malawi by supporting education initiatives and supplying them with needed medicines and tools that increase the quality of life for orphans who have been brought out of horrific circumstances. We also are focusing on a community project that is centered in one of the poorest communities next to where the orphanage is located. Through partnership with the non profit,  Open Road Global we are working to develop a local community center that empowers local pastors and community members by giving them access to livelihood projects, community clinic hours, Bible based teen and child programs, prenatal support, and also a place to come and grind corn at no cost. Additionally we are supporting a local feeding program and greenhouse initiative to help support families through seasons of famine.

To learn more visit: https://www.openroadglobal.org/projects/malawi

Light Ministry to Ukraine

Kiev, Ukraine  

Father’s House Children’s Home:

  • Assisted in the escape of 100 orphans from Ukraine to Germany

  • On the ground to assist in their settling in Freiburg, Germany

  • Coordinated the relocation of four children to two families at Light Church

  • Provided support for services in Ukraine to children traumatized by the war

Kyiv Child and Family Services Rescue Group:

  • Humanitarian aid to destitute families of young children due to the war

  • Supporting case management for families in distress

  • The services are to 200 families and 400 open cases 

Life at 100 Percent Rehabilitation for Women with Children:

  • Involved with reconstruction of the rehabilitation home for women and their children after a fire

  • Contributed to the land purchase for the home

  • Providing essential supplies, such as firewood, due to the loss of electricity caused by  the war