Join us at Youth Encinitas!
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Who We Are
We exist to share the gospel with the Youth of Encinitas. For youth to understand how Holy God is and allow him to sanctify us by His love and kindness. We desire for students to have a safe place within our community where they can be fully known and fully loved and ultimately have a rooted identity in Christ.

Meeting times
Coming up at Youth Encinitas!
About Youth Encinitas
Youth Encinitas, Rhythm Youth, Movement Youth and Meadowlark Youth present Winter Camp 2025. A 4-day experience to seek Jesus together in the outdoors. Every day will look a bit different, but you can always count on communal worship, amazing messages from pastors across SD, recreational games, and community. You’re not going to want to miss it!
Cost $320 Jr. High - High School.
For details + scholarship information contact ambar@lightsandiego.com.